

Information on the Journal

Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade

University of São Paulo, Brazil

ISSN Printed: 1413-7860 / ISSN Online: 2318-9800

Open-Access, Blind Review Periodic


The journal Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã: Crítica e Modernidade, edited by the University of São Paulo, publishes articles, reviews, translations and interviews from national and international scholars in open access since 1996. Our thematic scope comprises not only German Philosophy, but, more generally, reflections concerning modernity, as understood from the theoretical framework provided by the heritage of critical philosophy.

This journal was created by the group FiCeM - Filosofia Crítica e Modernidade (Critical Philosophy and Modernity), a group of scholars of several Brazilian universities, and our Editorial Board gathers scholars from universities in Latin America, United States and Europe.

Currently, we publish articles, reviews and interviews in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English and translations to Portuguese - in volumes released at least every six months and in special Dossiers.

The texts can be submitted at any time in our website (in case of doubt, contact us sending a message to filosofiaalema@usp.br). If in accordance with our policies and norms, the texts are sent to double blind review, for scholars internal or external our Editorial Board, preserving the anonymity of authors and evaluators. The evaluators can accept, recuse or suggest revisions and changes on the original text.



Currently, we publish only original articles, reviews and interviews (not published before in periodicals, books or other platforms).

- The reviews can be related to one book or to several books regarding the same subject, as long as the discussion is presently relevant. The works reviewed don’t need be published in Portuguese.

- Interviews with intellectuals who have given important contributions on fields related to the research lines covered by this periodic are also accepted. They must be preceded by a brief presentation of the interviewed.

- Translations to Portuguese of texts already published in other languages are accepted according to their relevance for discussion in Brazil. 

- Information and concepts on the texts are absolute responsibility of the authors.

- Politic of plagiarism: by submitting the text to our periodic, the authors attest their authorship of all the material, except for quotations, that must be signalized with quotation marks and bibliographical reference. We follow the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) directives for plagiarism prevention: https://publicationethics.org/files/Code%20of%20Conduct_2.pdf

- Copyrights: presenting the original to our Editorial Board implies cession of priority for publication to this periodic and cession of copyrights of the published texts, which will only be reproduced with the permission of the editors. The authors maintain the right to reuse the published material in future compilations, without paying any fee to this periodic. The permission for re-editions or translations of published materials by others won’t be granted without the author’s permission.

Submissions after July 5th 2018 will be licensed under Creative Commons Non Commercial – Share Alike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). For more details, please access: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

- We offer readers open and immediate access to our content, following the principle of democratization of knowledge.



- The texts must be submitted in format DOC or DOCX and professional data (institution, position and title) of the authors will be requested in our website. The authors will be notified by e-mail with a confirmation of the reception of their texts and once the evaluation process is finished.

- The texts must contain until 45,000 characters (including spaces).

- Articles must contain an Abstract with until 100 words and 3-5 Keywords.

- All texts must contain bibliographical references following APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines for quotation. References must be present in the body of text; footnotes must be used only for comments and additional information.

- Quotations of until 3 lines must be signalized with double quotation marks; longer quotations must appear in the next line, a half inch from the left margin.

- The Editorial Board may introduce modifications in order to adapt the texts to our editorial and graphical standards. In case these modifications are substantial, they will be submitted for the authors’ approval.

Contact and General Information

E-mail: filosofiaalema@usp.br

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/CadernosDeFilosofiaAlema

This periodic is indexed in: International Philosophical Bibliography / Répertoire bibliographique de la philosophie; International Directory of Philosophy; Latindex; The Philosopher's Index; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico);European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).





Chief-Editors: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Ribeiro Terra (USP/CEBRAP) and Profa. Dra. Maria Lúcia Mello e Oliveira Cacciola (USP)


Current Issue Editor: Yara Adario Frateschi (Unicamp)

Editorial Board: Bruno Nadai (UFABC), Diego Kosbiau Trevisan (Unicamp), Fernando Costa Mattos (UFABC/CEBRAP), Leonardo Rennó Ribeiro Santos (Unicamp), Luiz Repa (USP/CEBRAP), Marisa Lopes (UFSCar), Maurício Cardoso Keinert (USP), Monique Hulshof (Unicamp), Nathalie Bressiani (UFABC), Renata Romolo Brito (Unicamp), Rúrion Soares Melo (USP/CEBRAP), Simone Bernardete Fernandes (USP)

Associate Editors: Alessandro Pinzani (UFSC), André Luiz M. Garcia (UnB), André de Macedo Duarte (UFPR), Antonio Segatto (Unesp), Catherine Colliot-Thélène (Universidade Rennes I), Daniel Tourinho Peres (UFBA), Delamar Volpato Dutra (UFSC), Denílson Luís Werle (UFSC/CEBRAP), Eduardo Brandão (USP), Erick C. Lima (UnB), Ernani Pinheiro Chaves (UFPA), François Calori (Universidade Rennes I), Felipe Gonçalves Silva (UFRS), Gerson Luiz Louzado (UFRGS), Giorgia Cecchinato (UFMG), Gustavo Leyva-Martinez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa), Hans Chistian Klotz (UFSM), Ivan Ramos Estêvão (USP), Jean-François Kervegan (Universidade Paris I), João Carlos Salles Pires da Silva (UFBA), João Geraldo Cunha (UFLA), John Abromeit (Buffalo State College), José Pertilli (UFRGS), José Rodrigo Rodriguez (Unisinos), Júlio César Ramos Esteves (UENF), Luciano Gatti (Unifesp), Luciano Nervo Codato (UNIFESP), Luís Fernandes dos Santos Nascimento (UFSCAR), Macarena Marey (Universidade de Buenos Aires), Márcio Suzuki (USP), Marco Antonio Casanova (UERJ), Marco Aurélio Werle (USP), Marcos Nobre (Unicamp), Mario Caimi (Universidade de Buenos Aires), Miriam M. S. Madureira (UFABC), Olivier Voirol (Universidade de Lausanne), Paulo Roberto Licht dos Santos (UFSCAR), Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta (USP), Raquel Weiss (UFRGS), Rogério Lopes (UFMG), Rosa Gabriella de Castro Gonçalves (UFBA), Sérgio Costa (Universidade Livre de Berlim), Silvia Altmann (UFRGS), Soraya Nour (Centre March Bloch), Thelma Lessa Fonseca (UFSCAR), Vera Cristina de Andrade Bueno (PUC/RJ), Vinícius Berlendis de Figueiredo (UFPR), Virginia de Araújo Figueiredo (UFMG).


Editorial Assistant: Simone Bernardete Fernandes (USP)